Olga Vasilyeva
exclusively for Novaya Gazeta Europe
The long crossing Two elderly Ukrainian women travel thousands of miles to make it to the other side of the Dnipro River
Surviving the flood How war overtook and irreversibly changed the lives of one family in the Ukrainian town of Oleshky
The election that wasn’t Officially, Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine’s Kherson region voted overwhelmingly for Putin. What really happened?
Timelessness Reflections from Kherson in the second year of war
The waiting game A year after Ukraine partially retook control of the Kherson region, residents on both sides of the Dnipro tell their stories
Sitting on a powder keg How the recently announced mandatory evacuation of children from frontline areas of Ukraine will work — especially for those whose parents don’t want to leave
Occupational therapy Locals from both Russian-occupied and liberated areas of Ukraine’s Kherson region tell us their stories of daily survival in the shadow of the frontline
The Great Escape A Ukrainian prisoner abducted by the Russian military during its retreat from Kherson last year describes the brutal 10-month ordeal he and 250 of his fellow inmates shared
Kherson DiarySociety
‘We heard neighbouring houses collapsing at night’ How residents of Ukraine’s Kherson region live on both banks of the Dnipro after the Kakhovka dam collapse
‘The occupiers will leave and we’ll rebuild again’ Locals recount what the flooding after the Nova Kakhovka dam collapse took away from them
Stolen crooks: the story of a Ukrainian thief deported to Russia The convict was locked up in Kherson when the invasion began and then had to finish his sentence in Russia
Kherson diarySociety
Kherson region floods: ‘The buildings collapsed like houses of cards’ Local voices from the Kherson region, flooded after the collapse of Kakhovka HPP dam
‘That war ended, and this one will too’ Diaries from Kherson. People living on both banks — the occupied and the liberated — of the Dnipro River describe their daily reality
‘I hide behind the shed and howl silently’ The life of local residents on both sides – the occupied and the liberated – of the Dnipro, as told by them
Museum takeaway The story of Kherson museum employees who were desperately trying to save the collection from being plundered by Russian troops
‘Russians are the ones killing us’ Diaries from Kherson. Local residents — living on both the occupied and the liberated banks of the Dnipro River — describe their daily life
‘We pray that Russian soldiers go back to where they came from’ The Kherson diary. Residents of Dnipro River’s east bank, still occupied by Russia, are waiting for arrival of Ukraine’s army
‘The whole family will move into one room and breathe’ 4 November. A diary from Kherson. What’s happening on both banks of the Dnipro today — through the eyes of the locals themselves
‘They dress up as civvies’ 25 October. The Kherson journal. What's going on in the Kherson region on both banks of the Dnipro
A two-bank war What’s behind the mass evacuation of civilians in Kherson and do they actually believe their houses will be shelled by Ukraine’s army?
Dreaming of son Ukraine’s and Russia’s mothers are waiting for their missing in action sons back home. Here’s a story of one such mother — from the Kherson region
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