Svetlana Stephenson
professor of Sociology at London Metropolitan University
The drama of eternal recurrence How does the state’s appropriation of Victory Day help the Kremlin to justify the war in Ukraine? Sociologist Svetlana Stephenson explains
Decivilising Russia Sociologist Svetlana Stephenson explains how the criminal culture of security forces and racketeers among the elites has pushed Russian society towards militaristic madness
Stalintine’s Day: a substitute for love Sociologist Svetlana Stephenson explains why the Kremlin is extending its anti-Western agenda into Russians’ everyday lives
Prigozhin’s new pipeline What is behind Yevgeny Prigozhin’s campaign to turn members of his convict army into new national heroes? Sociologist Svetlana Stephenson explains
Far from being idiots What it means to be ‘Putin’s person’ in today’s Russia and why such people support the Kremlin but wish the war was over, explained by sociologist Svetlana Stephenson
In cold blood The new doctrine of the Russian government: people must be ready to die for it, otherwise their lives have no meaning
Autocracy as a curse How an inconspicuous St. Petersburg official turned into Shakespeare's Richard III in 20 years
We invite you to die Kremlin necropolitics as the foundation of war
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