
Arnold Khachaturov

exclusively for Novaya Gazeta. Europe

6 articles

Nationalisation in full swing: Putin goes after Western companies remaining in Russia For the first time since the start of the war, Russia has begun to openly nationalise Western companies — their owners will lose everything


Russia’s plummeting ruble The Russian currency market is drying out over sanctions


Xi-dependent relationship What will Russia be left with after playing the role of China’s ‘little brother’?


Why we shouldn’t expect the Russian economy to collapse tomorrow Head of Novaya-Europe’s data team Arnold Khachaturov explains


‘In trying to make Ukraine a colony, Russia made itself very dependent on China’ Do sanctions work and is Russia turning into a ‘giant Iran’? Harvard professor Kenneth Rogoff explains


‘Gorbachev cut the military. Putin has done the exact opposite. And is Russia stronger today as a result?’ Prominent historian Stephen Kotkin talks about Gorbachev, Putin and ‘the core problem’ of Russian history

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