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Chairman of Russia’s lower house proposes seizing property of Russians who fled country and ‘allow themselves to publicly smear Russia’

Chairman of Russia’s State Duma [the lower house of Parliament] Vyacheslav Volodin has proposed to confiscate the property of Russians who had left the country and “allow themselves to publicly smear Russia, insult soldiers and officers”, as per his Telegram channel.

“The brats who left are living comfortably thanks to our country. Staying abroad, they rent out property [in Russia], continue to earn money at the expense of Russian citizens. Furthermore, they allow themselves to publicly smear Russia, insult our soldiers and officers,” he writes.

Volodin emphasises that the goal of these “brats” is to 

“curry favour and try to maintain their wealth abroad”.

Crimea’s “governor” Sergey Aksyonov has already come out in support of Volodin’s initiative, saying that “Crimea is already on the same path”.

“Everything they have they owe to this country that they betrayed in a despicable way. They are now competing in their hatred towards [Russia], to please their new owners. Basically, these are parasites, and one has to get rid of parasites,” he says.

Russia’s biggest, pro-Putin party United Russia previously prepared a bill limiting remote work for Russians who left the country.