News · Политика

Russia’s Justice Ministry adds foundation Social Partnership and organisation City without Barriers on ‘foreign agents’ list

The Russian Ministry of Justice has included private limited company City without Barriers (“Gorod bez pregrad”) on the list of “media — foreign agents” and charity foundation Social Partnership (“Sotsialnoye partnerstvo”) on the list of “non profit organisations — foreign agents”. 

Human rights charity foundation Social Partnership was created in 1997, its founder was politician Galina Starovoytova. At the initiative of the foundation, public monitoring commissions were established in the country.

City without Barriers is an organisation founded by sociologist Iskander Yasaveev, its goal is to create a barrier-free environment in the Russian city of Kazan.

On 7 October, Yasaveev himself was added to the “media — foreign agent” list by the Justice Ministry. Several days later, he was fired from his position at the St. Petersburg branch of Russia’s Higher School of Economics.