
Russian servicemen pillage in Novaya Tavolzhanka, Russia’s Belgorod region, locals complain

Russian servicemen “lead a disgraceful lifestyle” and steal personal belongings of locals in the locality of Novaya Tavolzhanka, Russia’s Belgorod region. Meduza spotted their complaints online.

The complaints were posted on the VK page of Vyacheslav Gladkov, the local governor. Natalya Chemerchenko, a local resident, wrote that Russian soldiers break into people’s houses despite no emergency situation being declared in the area.

Chemerchenko said that the servicemen are drinking alcohol, leaving trash everywhere around, and stealing personal belongings.

“They stole a quad bike from our garage, and this bike is now often seen here and there around the town. Some people say their utility trailer also got stolen and is now being used with our quad,” she wrote.

Chemerchenko said that the locals have suffered “from the actions of the Ukrainian military” and they do not want to see their homes hosting “ugly< behaviour of our defenders”.

Head of the local administration Vladimir Zhdanov replied to Chemerchenko’s comment and said that her complaint was registered with the local “security council”.

Chemerchenko has yet to answer Novaya-Europe’s questions as of this writing.

In early June, the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Freedom of Russia Legion announced an incursion into the Belgorod region, taking the locality of Novaya Tavolzhanka under control. Gladkov later reported that the enemy had left the area.

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