
FT: EU and Japan oppose US’ proposal to G7 countries on banning export to Russia entirely

The European Union and Japan have come out against the proposal extended by the US to G7 countries on completely banning export to Russia, Financial Times reports, citing three sources.

Last week, representatives of Japan and the EU called these measures impossible. The US previously proposed a complete ban of goods to Russia, barring several exceptions, and to capture the promise in the final statement of G7 leaders during the Hiroshima summit that will take place 19-21 May.

The idea was put forward due to the disappointing existing sanctions system — it is full of loopholes that let Russia continue importing western technologies and goods, FT notes.

It was reported earlier that the EU would introduce the 11th sanctions package against Russia in the second half of May or later; currently the list of restrictions is being discussed, according to Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau.

“Some states are saying that, in their opinion, [the list] should contain, for example, sanctions on diamonds. Other states instead are saying that diamonds will most likely not be directly affected. So, I think, this issue will be resolved no earlier than in the second half of May,” he said.

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