Olesya and Alexey, husband and wife, have been detained in Russia’s Krasnodar for their anti-war comments made in a private conversation, their daughter Arina Oparina told OVD-Info.
The couple was detained after a restaurant visitor called the police. According to the husband and wife, the police officers handcuffed them, pushed them flat on the floor, and kept them in this position for about an hour before taking them to a police station.
The police wrote a report for petty hooliganism and kept Olesya and Alexey in the station overnight until the trial. Their nine-year-old daughter was left at home, other people had to look after her.
According to the couple, the police officers were frank in telling them that the detention was linked to their anti-war statements.
In late December, two criminal cases were opened against student Olesya Krivtsova, 19, after her fellow students filed complaints against her. Krivtsova is suspected of “discrediting” the Russian army and public justification of terrorism.
The student is facing court hearings for Instagram stories and messages sent in a private Telegram chat of her course mates.