
Court arrests Spaniard, 74, accused of sending explosive packages to Ukrainian embassies across Europe

A Spanish court has arrested Pompeyo Gonzalez Pascual, a 74-year-old former city hall official. He is accused of six instances of terrorism, Reuters reports.

The prosecutor believes that the retired man used to send letters containing animal body remains and explosives to Ukrainian embassies across Europe. Reuters says Pascual was willing to force European countries to stop supporting Ukraine. The court believes Pascual was acting on his own.

The New York Times wrote earlier, citing US officials, that the so-called Russian Imperial Movement might have been behind the letter bombs. The American newspaper said that the masterminds were Russian officers who “worked for the Main Directorate, commonly referred to as the GRU”.

The first in the series of explosions happened in Ukraine’s embassy in Madrid on 30 November. A package mailed to the ambassador himself injured a security officer who found it suspicious and decided to open it and check the contents.

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