
Russian lawmakers put forward bill equating defection to high treason

Members of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) have put forward a bill equating defection during an armed conflict to high treason (Article 275 of the Russian Criminal Code). The document was published on the State Duma website.

Citizens charged with high treason face from 12 to 20 years behind bars. The bill proposes an amendment to Article 208 of the Russian Criminal Code (Establishing an illegal arms formation or taking part in it). The added text reads:

“Participation <…> in an armed conflict, combat or other activity with the use of weapons or military equipment

on the territory of a foreign state with the purpose of going against the interests of the Russian Federation (provided that there are no indicia of a crime under Article 275 of the current Code).”

Besides, the lawmakers propose to equate “confidential cooperation with the special services of a foreign state” to high treason.

Article 276 of the Russian Criminal Code (Espionage) may be amended to include “handover, collection, theft or possession with the aim of subsequent handover to the enemy of information that can be used against the Russian Armed Forces.”

The lawmakers also propose to amend Article 280 (Public calls for extremist activity), introducing criminal liability for calls “for implementation of activity directed against the security of the Russian Federation.” If these calls are made by an organised group or if they are accompanied by threats of violence, the perpetrators may face up to 7 years in prison.

The bill also offers changes to articles on “undesirable organisations” and “mercenarism.” The legislators propose to introduce liability for participating in the activity of an “undesirable” organisation, as well as for collecting money in support of said organisation, both in Russia and abroad.

The proposed amendments increase the penalty for “recruitment, training, or financial support of a mercenary, as well as using the mercenary in an armed conflict or in combat.” Those charged under this article face from 12 to 18 years behind bars. If this crime is committed with the use of the suspect’s official position, the penalty may reach up to 20 years in prison.

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