
Russia’s Gazprom halts gas supply to Finland

Gazprom, the Russian state-owned energy giant, has halted providing natural gas to neighbouring Finland, Reuters cites Gasgrid Finland. The country will now be purchasing natural gas from other suppliers using the Balticconnector pipeline, says Gasum, Finland’s state-owned company.

“Starting from today, during the upcoming summer season, Gasum will supply natural gas to its customers from other sources through the Balticconnector pipeline. Our filling stations will operate as usual,” reads the company’s statement.

“Gas imports through the Imatra entry point have been stopped,” Gasgrid Finland said in a statement. Imatra is the entry point for Russian gas into Finland. The country will now be importing gas from Estonia.

Gazprom has also confirmed halting the supply. The company announced yesterday that it would stop providing Finland with gas starting from 7 a.m. Moscow time on 21 May. “The Finnish gas system is in balance both physically and commercially,” Gasgrid said on Saturday.

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