Novaya Gazeta Europe asked exiled Russian political journalist Farida Rustamova, who runs the influential Faridaily Telegram channel, what might have caused Putin to use his enemy’s name now, and in what other ways the Russian political landscape could be affected by Navalny’s death.
NGE: Why do you think Putin has avoided saying Navalny’s name for so long?
FR: Unfortunately we have monitored Putin’s behaviour for a long time and we have learned to understand his psychological quirks well. Vladimir Putin never called Navalny by his name, never acknowledged his existence, to avoid giving him importance. As Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, Putin thinks of himself as one of the great Russian rulers like Peter the Great. He just thought that Navalny — or, as he called him, “this citizen” or “the Berlin patient” — wasn’t on Putin’s level.
The fact that Putin only decided to say Navalny’s name out loud after his death is actually very curious. I honestly thought he would never say it, or at least wouldn’t do it anytime soon. Apparently he no longer sees Navalny as a threat, and so he’s not scared of elevating him to his own level, as the man’s already dead.