Their target, however, was 86-year old Archbishop Viktor Pivovarov, whose outspoken anti-war sermons had attracted their attention in the past. The 10 policemen beat Pivovarov’s assistant priest, Iona Sigida, before attempting to shave his beard off and then hauling him away for two days in detention for “resisting the police”, while Pivovarov was given a warning to avoid politics in his sermons or face new criminal charges.
Preaching ‘disrepute’
In March, a local court fined Viktor Pivovarov 40,000 rubles (€450) for the content of one of his sermons, which it ruled had discredited the Russian army.
Pivovarov had been denounced by a woman who had never been seen at the church before who was said to have become so outraged by the sermon that she walked out midway through, shouting “You’re preaching politics. You’ll pay for this.”