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Georgia’s ruling party starts impeachment proceedings against President Zourabichvili

The Georgian Dream, the ruling party of Georgia, has initiated a procedure that might impeach Salome Zourabichvili, the country’s President, due to her travelling to Europe despite the lack of consent from government to do so, Irakli Kobakhidze, the leader of the Georgian Dream, revealed on Friday.

Currently, the ruling party only has 84 out of the 100 parliament seats necessary to impeach Zourabichvili.

“To complete the impeachment process, we’re going to need support from 100 MPs, so it won’t be implemented if we don’t attract the votes of the radical opposition. However, we have decided to start the impeachment process against the President,” Kobakhidze said, according to TASS.

Salome Zourabichvili / Wikimedia Commons

Zourabichvili’s administration revealed earlier that she was going to meet her German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin on 31 August. This was followed by a statement made by the Georgian government that said that Zourabichvili was denied to visit such countries as Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Israel, the UAE, Poland, Ukraine, Czechia, and Switzerland; however, she went on to visit Germany despite the ban.

According to Georgia’s Constitution, the country’s President has representative powers in international relations, but only upon the government’s consent. Violating the Constitution may trigger impeachment.