News · Общество

Man arrested in Moldova after crashing car into Russian embassy gate

The Moldovan police have detained a man who drove his Mercedes car into the gates of the Russian embassy in Chișinău, the Moldovan Interior Ministry reports.

The man rammed the gates with his car at 6 AM local time, after which he fled the scene. He drove towards the town of Strășeni and got into an accident involving two other cars, but refused to stop despite police demands.

He was detained soon afterwards in the Strășeni district of the country. 

On 24 July, Insider and Jurnal TV published a joint investigation claiming that there are dozens of antennas and satellite dishes installed on the roof of the Russian embassy in Chișinău that allows Russian intel to intercept telephone and radio comms. The investigation also identified individuals often appearing on the embassy rooftop, who turned out to be covert communication officers associated with the GRU and SVR, closely connected to hacker groups responsible for breaching the electronic mailboxes of Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and Hillary Clinton.