News · Общество

Railway bridge strike on occupied Melitopol kills 5

Melitopol’s occupation authorities have reported that five people were killed, four more were injured in a missile strike on a railway bridge, writes Vladimir Rogov, head of the We Are Together with Russia movement.

“Today around 12:30 PM UGIL (as Ukraine is sometimes referred to in Russia mimicking Russian for ISIS (IGIL) — translator’s note) carried out a HIMARS missile attack on a railway bridge across the Molochna River in the village of Svitlodolynske, Melitopol district, Zaporizhzhia region. The missile hit when the bridge was being repaired,” Rogov notes.

According to latest reports, five people died and four more were injured. Two injured people are in critical condition.

Kyiv has not issued a comment about the Melitopol strike.