News · Общество

Musician from Russia’s Tomsk banned from certain activities by court over charges of repeated ‘discreditation’ of Russian army

A court in the Russian city of Tomsk has imposed a preventive measure in the form of prohibiting certain activities on local resident, musician Anna Chagina, over charges of repeated “discreditation” of the Russian army, independent Russian human rights project OVD-Info reports, citing her friend Igor Novikov.

Chagina is prohibited from using mail and the Internet as well as from exiting her house from 10 PM to 6 AM and attending public events until 22 January 2023.

According to OVD-Info, criminal cases on repeated “discreditation” of Russia’s Armed Forces can be initiated against those who had already been prosecuted at least once under the administrative article on “discreditation”. On 6 March, Chagina was detained at an anti-war rally; later on, a court fined her under the aforementioned administrative article on “discreditation”.

Law enforcement agents searched Chagina’s home in the morning of 30 November; a few hours later, the reports about a criminal case being initiated against her appeared.

Chagina posted anti-war messages on her VK page (Russian social media platform — translator’s note) several times. Two months ago, her VK account was blocked upon a request of the Prosecutor General’s Office.