News · Общество

59 men, entire male population of a village in Kemerovo region, drafted

A total of 59 men were drafted in the village of Tymenevo, Russia’s Kemerovo region, which is the entire male population of the settlement, a source for Novaya Gazeta. Europe reports.

“They gave draft notice papers to all male villagers. We need to arrive at the draft office by Monday,” our source says. He also added that the same is going on in the neighbouring villages.

Vladimir Putin announced “partial” mobilisation on 21 September; Defence Minister Shoigu later revealed that 300,000 people would be drafted. Our source then revealed that in fact a total of one million people would be drafted. Putin’s spokesman Peskov denied this.

There are reports coming from all across Russia that men who do not even satisfy the officially published Defence Ministry’s requirements, including men far older than 50 years of age or men with no military experience.