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Navalny placed in solitary confinement for the fourth time

Politician Alexey Navalny, currently serving his sentence in the Melekhovo penitentiary in the Vladimir region, has been put in solitary confinement again as soon as he got out of his previous stint in solitary confinement, he shared on his Twitter page.

“1/7 Whoa, I’ve just hit the jackpot. As soon as I got out of the SHU, they sent me back there for another 15 days and labeled me as a ‘persistent offender’. This means that I will now be placed under STRICT conditions inside a STRICT regime penal colony,” he writes. 

According to Navalny, this is the Kremlin’s reaction to his “not ‘settling down’, continuing to call for sanctions against Putin's elite (the 6000 list), and announcing once again the 'Smart Voting' so hated by them”. 

The first time Navalny said he had been sent to solitary confinement was on 15 August. According to him, that was punishment for “regularly unbuttoning the top button of his prison robe” while in the industrial zone. The second time was on 24 August — for “3 seconds of hands not behind his back”. The third time was on 30 August, the morning after he was released from his previous stint in solitary confinement.