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Moscow court revokes Novaya Rasskaz-Gazeta registration certificate

A court in Moscow has found the registration certificate of Novaya Rasskaz-Gazeta invalid, our newsperson reports from the courthouse.

Roskomnadzor, Russia’s censorship agency, noted that the media outlet was registered in 2009 while its first issue was published in July 2022.

“I think they abandoned their activities, there was no August issue,” a Roskomnadzor representative said. A representative of Novaya Rasskaz-Gazeta then provided the judge with a printed issue from August.

“Our first issue was published on 15 July, while Roskomnadzor sued us on 22 July. We informed them we would print Novaya Rasskaz-Gazeta in July as early as on 1 June. They lost legal grounds to sue us as soon as we published our first issue,” a representative of Novaya Rasskaz-Gazeta said.

The original Novaya Gazeta was forced to stop both its printed and digital editions after receiving two warnings from Roskomnadzor, Russia’s censorship agency on the brink of having its media licence revoked. Those members of the Novaya Gazeta staff who left Russia founded Novaya Gazeta. Europe: a separate project, both legally and virtually, rather than a subdivision of the original Novaya Gazeta.

A court in Moscow revoked Novaya Gazeta’s registration certificate yesterday.