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Jill Biden pays visit to Uzhhorod, Ukraine 

The US First Lady Jill Biden paid a visit to the Ukrainian city of Uzhhorod where she met Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska, according to The New York Times.

The two women met in a school that is serving as a temporary shelter. Jill Biden noted that she wanted to visit Ukraine today specifically, when Mother’s day is celebrated worldwide.

"I thought it was important to show the Ukrainian people that this war has to stop and this war has been brutal and that the people of the United States stand with the people of Ukraine," Dr. Biden said.

It was Olena Zelenska’s first public appearance since the start of the war, says The New York Times. "We understand what it takes for the US first lady to come here during a war when the military actions are taking place every day, where the air sirens are happening every day even today," she said.

Dr. Biden previously visited Romania and Slovakia, where she met Ukrainian refugees and aid workers. She returned to Slovakia after her trip across the border.

The US House of Representatives supported a bill last week that would streamline a military lend-lease program to more quickly provide Ukraine with American equipment to fight the Russian invasion without unnecessary red tape.