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Teenage volunteer killed in shelling of Kharkiv zoo

Employees of Feldman Ecopark, a zoo in Ukraine’s Kharkiv, have come under attack during the evacuation of African buffalos from the zoo, the park’s founder Oleksandr Feldman said.

“One person was killed, two were seriously injured. Doctors are fighting for their lives right now. The guy who was killed was only 15 years old. He was helping his parents feed and evacuate the animals,” Feldman stated, adding that he was the sixth member of the zoo’s team killed since the start of the war.

Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Feldman Ecopark has been shelled numerous times. Several employees of the zoo were killed in the attacks. Many animals were killed or injured. Currently, the team of Feldman Ecopark are trying to evacuate over 300 species of surviving animals. They point out that evacuation efforts are often abandoned due to continuous attacks on Kharkiv.