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Russian Security Service claims to have detained a group of “Ukrainian Neo-nazis” set to assassinate a major TV propagandist

The Russian Federal Security Service, successor to the KGB, has claimed it had detained a group of "neo-Nazis" planning on assasstinaing Vladimir Solovyev, a pro-Putin TV propagandist, by order of the Ukrainian Security Service, the Russian agency reports.

“This morning, the Federal Security Service have detained an assassination squad that was planning to murder a well-known Russian TV journalist,” President Vladimir Putin said. “Mentors working for foreign intelligence services, including the CIA, apparently, advise Kyiv to attempt assassinations of Russian journalists."

The Russian Security Service claims that the attack “aimed at Solovyov specifically.” The security forces have detained “members of the National Socialism/White Power, a neo-Nazi terrorist organization banned in Russia”, and claim they are now “confessing”.